April 4, 2007

Joy of Rain!

Last night I took the family to our favorite recreation spot in Atlanta-Stone Mtn. State Park. The clouds were edging in with faint sounds of thunder, but we went anyway. The increasing sounds of thunder for 45 minutes during my powerwalk with the twins in the jogger provided great opportunity to teach the twins about nature, rain, green trees drinking water, forest ecology, and how increasing loudness of thunder means increasing chances of RAIN! We made it about 45 minutes into the 60 minute loop then my wife pulled the plug and told me to go after the car--too much lightning for her comfort zone--a wise choice! Five minutes into my jog after the car, the classic Southern thunder storm erupted. God I love Atlanta! One of my biggest fitness pleasures in life is running in a warm Southern rain. I was soaking wet by the time I got to the car--along with everyone else walking and jogging last night. It was okay though...a small family adventure. We had fun. You can't always have perfect comfort in life with workouts--you just have to get it done rain or shine! From the glorious South today thankful for the simple joy of rain...Ragin' RJ!

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